Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Finishing Up.

 I'm not quite done with Snow White. With Christmas break just around the corner, I hope to finish both Snow White and Rapunzel with all my extra time. I am just bursting with ideas of how to change Rapuzel. I'm really happy with how Snow White is turning out. I am so excited. I'm most likely going to continue with this project next semester since I have Christmas break, then semester is over. I'm pretty excited!

Saturday, November 22, 2014


I am just finishing up Snow White. It took a lot longer than expected. I just never had enough time to sit down and write. After I finish, I will be re-writing Rapunzel. Rapunzel has been one of my favorite stories ever since I was a little girl. It seems like Rapunzel will be a lot easier to write than Snow White. I am a little worried about time. My project is due at the end of December and I want to have four stories written. I don’t think I’ll be able to accomplish that goal though. If I finish Rapunzel and Snow White in time I would like to start writing Little Red Writing Hood next. I am only writing stories that mean something to me. People keep suggesting different stories to me and most of them, I won’t do. But Snow White, Rapunzel, and Little Red Riding Hood mean a lot to me. I didn't read a lot of ‘normal’ fairytales when I was younger but the few that I did made a big impact on my choice to start creative writing.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Writer' Block

 I'm struggling with writer's block. I'm so close to finishing Snow White, but I simply cannot get the right wording for how I want to finish it. After this I'm going to start writing Rapunzel. I'm very excited because I have some awesome ideas for her. I hope everything turns out well.

Friday, October 10, 2014


File:Snow White Clipart.gifI had some trouble getting started. The introduction took a lot more time than I expected. Once I got that done, I started writing Snow White. Its fun to write from someone else's point of view other than the heroine. I am having so much fun changing the normal stories into something different. I was interested to see how many different story twists I could come up with once I got going. So far it is so much easier than I thought it would be.

Saturday, September 20, 2014


 This blog will be about a school project that I am incredibly excited for. For my project I will be re-writing all the classic Disney stories we've come to love. I will compose them into a small book. I may even write one or two original stories. I have wanted to do this for a long time. I have a great passion for writing even though I'm not a great writer. My main issue with writing is, I have trouble coming up with my own stories. I love to put my own twist on stories I already know. Ever since I was younger I have been obsessed with Disney. Especially the princesses. I own so many fairytale books with so many different versions of the same stories and I've never tired of them. I've only been more motivated to write my own versions.
      When my teachers gave the outline of the project, I worried. Their outlines were;
"Do something you've always wanted but have never had the time or the guts to do. Be creative."
As I was listening writing came to mind right away. The only thing that made me stop and try to think of something else to do were the voices in the back of my mind. The voices of people telling me all my life that 'I'm not creative', 'I need to let go', and, my personal favorite, 'I'll never be able to do anything creative'. I allowed myself to listen to these people and stop myself. I went home after a long day of trying to figure out what to do and I read my favorite book, which is another take on the fairytale, Snow White. As I was reading, I decided to ignore the voices and move on. So to all the teachers and people that don't think I'm "creative enough to do anything" I'm going to prove you wrong.